Wanted: New Bass Player - and Master Tapes*?
I spotted Kaspar Glass and Hans Hinrich of Cry Blood Apache before a Zom Zom's performance at Emo's last Wednesday, I even spoke with them briefly, and all seemed well with my favorite new band of 2005.
But then I read a blog this week, announcing the departure of Endal Louis Passou, the hot wig-wearing bass player.
The news left me in shock, and disappointed that yet another band was struggling with creative differences and the direction of the music. And I looked at the roster of CBA shows yet to come, and became disheartened.
Read the official news at Cry Blood Apache's MySpace Blog.
Yes, the band is going in a new direction, with less new age elements (i.e., flute) in the mix. I could hear the change before the last show I attended - two months ago at an east side warehouse converted into an art space. Kaspar Glass' eerie flute was one of the things that captured my attention when I heard them live and listened to CBA's first full-length album, Performing Diversion Acrobatics. It was noticeably missing during this art space performance.

Performing Diversion Acrobatics
Cry Blood Apache
2006 Ghetto Pagoda, Awthum, Blackk Wainbow
Available through the band's official web site, or at your favorite local record shop.But the flute isn't the most interesting thing about listening to CBA; I enjoyed the meditative noise of the title track, and the "schizo" dance rhythms throughout the album.
Oh, yeah - and I loved the bass lines.
There was an almost funky element to the bass guitar, and Passou was the only bassist I thought of when it came to filling out the annual AC Readers Poll for Best Bass Player. It saddens me that he's no longer with CBA, but if they could no longer agree on how the band should sound, then it's best to move on.
I wish them all the best, and can't wait to hear what the new bassist (or bass synth player) sounds like. They are currently looking for a replacement one who fits into their "IBM" sound - "Intelligent Body Music".
Read my interview with Cry Blood Apache (Feb. 2006 Whoopsy!) - go to listen.to/crybloodapache and click on the "Interview" link. It's longer than this blog, but there are some good quotes from the band.
*Addendum: While typing this blog I was fact checking at the band's MySpace blog and it saddens me to have just read that Endal Passou has allegedly stolen the master tapes before his former band's upcoming live album release.
Cry Blood Apache Links:
listen.to/crybloodapache (the official web site)
The Before Pic:

Foto: Mark Mulligan for DT Week
Addendum: The new bass player looks a lot like Passou, oui?
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