No Way Jose "The Venice Beach Sessions" (EP, 2002) (Out of 5)
A few years ago, when I first stumbled upon a description of No Way Jose's EP, The Venice Beach Sessions, I was a bit underwhelmed. I hated the terms "power pop" used to describe a punk band. I kept thinking about the so-called punk bands from the 90s who rose to fame on the pop charts. Some of them were good, but most of them annoyed me. I wasn't a big OffSpring fan back then either, but more into classic Punk, mostly from the East Coast and the U.K. So of course I had a few doubts about a punk band from L.A.? X and The Avengers are cool classic bands, but I kept thinking: Will this CD be about choice waves and bikini clad babes? Stereotyping aside, L.A. Punk was no longer underground cool or hip, unless you were into A.F.I. So my expectations were lowered but I liked the eye-catching, d-i-y stop sign. Superficial, I know, but interesting art work, like a good book cover, is what helps sell an album.
Although I wasn't impressed with the overall sound quality when I first listened to the CD online a few years ago (Slow dial-up maybe?), I bought it because I loved the do-it-yourself/indie core/esthetic of No Way Jose's Venice Beach Sessions. This is what makes an excellent d-i-y punk EP. To hell with technical prowress, it's about having fun with the music and making a good record of it. No Way Jose has done this. To risk triteness - this CD had me hooked at the namesake track. A few diehard Punk fans may dismiss the Sessions EP as just another forgettable pop/punk CD, but even The Clash's London Calling has its naysayers and it's still considered one of the quintessential punk albums. I'm not comparing the two artists or albums, but this EP has the heart of major label produced LP. It is the quirky mix of danceable latin, rock and ska that will have even a hardcore fanatic bob his (or her) head with approval. My personal favorite tracks are Was She, She Drives You Crazy, and Enough. (Which I listen to on repeat often.) Venice Beach Sessions does make reference to scantily clad women (See Stripper), but no surfing references (Whew!). It was the best $10 I ever spent, and I think it's a steal now at $6.(:0) This "heavy power pop punk" EP made me fall in love with Punk Rock all over again.
No Way Jose:
Jose Cruise - Vocals, Guitar
Omar Villegas - Bass
Sam Pow - Drums
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~ DIY-Danna