Friday, October 14, 2011

Junkyard Casserole: Yard Sale & Art Show Saturday - 10/15 (9am-9pm)

If you are one of many Austinites who don't want to throw anything away, consider selling or donating precious and dust-collecting items to Junkyard Casserole, and have a good time viewing artwork and experiencing live music, while possibly getting inspiration and material for your Halloween arts and crafts projects.

Junkyard Casserole is a monthly yard sale, swap meet, and art show, hosted by members of the band Night Viking and RE-aRT, self-described as a "Detritus Craft and Idea Supply" place, and a "Collection and Work Space offered for making art with experimental (cast-off) materials". In other words, a recycling and repurposing center of creativity in Austin--a great place for your old items to find new, creative life.

Tomorrow's Junkyard Casserole happens 9am-9pm at RE-aRT, and will feature spontaneous and improvised music by various artists throughout the day, TBA at the event. The backyard multimedia studio and art collective is located behind 2608 Rogers Avenue. RSVP @ Facebook

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