Get your free mp3 from the latest Foot Foot release!
Expectations... (A Prelude)
What was supposed to be two or three personal MySpace blogs about free downloads by d-i-y and indie label artists who have profiles on the popular social web site has become a new labor of music love by technical default. Due to technical difficulties this weekend, it will now be a regular blog about music we like right here. Before I go into expectations, I'd like to explain that the following mp3 web log has been divided into two equal parts, featuring music by Austin, TX artists that is available for free via MySpace - worldwide - and without a membership. Eat your heart out, iTunes, Rhapsody, and Zune...
Now about expectations...
What you should expect are honest, brief (but insightful) artist reviews, previews, as well as news and advice for independent musicians. What you shouldn't expect is a lot of hipster hype. This isn't a hottest band fanzine, although you won't read a lot of negative criticism that takes a punch at popular musicians - unless it is laced with wit and gentle sarcasm. Art is subjective, and just because I or other diy revolution bloggers don't listen to (or like) most of what's on commercial radio doesn't mean we're going to give it a lashing. Expect criticism without castigation or name calling.
About the mp3 blogs: I don't have artist permission to post mp3s here (for now), but I can provide links to their MySpace profiles, where you can download mp3s gratis. Enjoy!
~ DIY Danna
diy revolution Group Moderator @ MySpace
Austin - Take Five!

7 Inch Stitch
I've heard of the band, but have never had the pleasure (I'm certain) of hearing them live. Like most talented d-i-y bands in Austin with a day job, 7 Inch Stitch isn't so talented when it comes to self-promotion. On the anniversary of 9/11 the band aggravated a six-year war wound the trio released The Phosphorus Tarot of Matchbooks, and from the four free tracks I've heard so far, it's something worth buying and listening to on repeat. Just listen with open ears and an open mind.
Current Featured Tracks (as of 10/02/08):
"Empty Trumpet"
"Energy Draining Church Bazaar"
"I Eat Fog"
"The Pernoctalian"
listen, download, and listen again to (4) 7 Inch Stitch mp3s

Amplified Heat (Arc Light Records)
The young brothers Ortiz are absolutely amazing, with a blend of blues and hard rock that I can't help but not my head to whenever I hear it on my iTunes player in between blogs and writing assignments. Say what you will about the proliferation (some may say pollution) of Stevie Ray Vaughan wannabes and Texas Blues, but Amplified Heat is the real deal - a rockin' blues band with youthful zeal and appeal. But like the best of Austin's bands, nothing beats Amplified Heat's live energy. I'm only fortunate to possess the self-titled EP, but I plan to purchase a copy of their full length, local label release How Do You Like The Sound of That soon (I can't review every local CD); in the meantime I'm content with a free download of "Man on the Road". We can also listen to an unreleased tune called "Get Yer Hands off My Baby". Get 'em both while they're hot.
listen and download (2) Amplified Heat mp3s

Getting down to basics with rock that isn't afraid to roll is what this band is all about from a fan's p.o.v. Jason Pearson's voice rings like a bell tolling an homage the Texas rock great Buddy Holly, with the carefully laced doo-wop intonations - and occasional emotive yelps whenever the hell he feels like it. Nemir Naayem on bass has a classic rock stance and plucks wicked notes that live up to the evil bass player myth, and the Animal-esque meets "Theatre of the Absurd" quirks of percussionist Glenn Barovich (Baby Robots) brings the groove down to earth, and back to basics with live performances of BASIC's re-released debut LP Favorite Movie. I won't hide my disappointment about the title track not appearing on their MySpace player, but BASIC cleverly uploaded the first four tracks (as a teaser) of the album that was always on repeat at home (and in the car) in the summer of 2006 (and 2007).
Available Tracks:
01 "Tyco"
02 "It Isn't Wrong"
03 "Carolina"
04 "Come Home Soon"
listen and download (4) BASIC mp3s

Foot Foot (Bunkhaus Records)
Foot Foot is one of the longest and best kept secrets in Austin, TX, but hopefully not for another decade. After years of missing the psychedelic indie rockers live, I finally got a chance to hear them at Hole in the Wall. Well, most of their set. (Long story...) And I was impressed enough to remember them in my search for a short list of music artists who are making their art more accessible to the masses. Lucky masses... One of these accessible tracks is the scorching "The Quarters of Ole San Juan", which can also be heard on the recently released Everything Cool Has Been Canceled. Now I'm wondering when that other band called Foot Foot (L.A., CA) will cancel their account - or just get a new name. No offense (their music isn't bad), but they haven't had the name or been on MySpace as long as the original. Anyway... Check out Foot Foot (Austin, TX) and thank me later.
download (2) Foot Foot mp3s

Hit Space (Bunkhaus Records)
I'll keep this short and sweet: What happens when two members of the popular and critically decorated 1990s "noise pop" band Sixteen Deluxe* decide to make music together? Beautifully understated and mellow, but not hollow, indie pop. Carrie Clark and Jeff Copas join forces with Don Clark and Joel Ossar to record an EP released on Bunkhaus Records, label of fellow seasoned rockers Foot Foot and Baby Robots. I slept on (Verb) when it was released, but by some stroke of luck I'm making up for it now.
The Tracks:
"Dogs Dream" (demo)
"Winkiest Winks" (demo)
"Marbles Better Plus 2" (demo)
download and listen to these (3) Hit Space demos before the next release
*Hidden Bonus: Search "Sixteen Deluxe" on the MySpace Music page and find out what you may have missed in the gay old '90s.
Austin - Take Five! To be continued...
Label Links:
Arclight Records
Bunkhaus Records
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