Art Seen Alliance Presents Exposure Exhibit Tonight
Friday, 9 January 2009
Do-it-yourself, independent, or non-commercial artists need out support, and it's great when Austinites form an alliance dedicated to promoting individual artists. Art Seen Alliance epitomizes this dedicated spirit.
According to their web site, this organization "is engaged in cultivating artistic and cultural endeavors of all sorts. Our goal is simply to help artists get their art seen, facilitate making art, and bring art to places it is typically not seen."
The alliance engages in exposing Austin to photographers who bring different p.o.v.'s to local art. Meet these artists and view their work at the exhibit opener downtown tonight at one of those atypical places, IF+D (Innovation Flooring and Design). Entertainment from the illustrious DJ Chicken George highlights the reception. What a great way to expose yourself to Austin's art scene.
If you are a local artist seeking assistance in creating and displaying your work, contact Art Seen's director Warren McKinney through their web site form.
Exposure Opening Reception
6-10 PM Fri. 10 Jan.
208 Colorado
Austin, TX 78701
Map and Directions
Thanks to Carl Webb and yelp.com for sharing about this event.